why is there a man in here
why is there a man in here
I ‘member.
Member Ron Harper.
The other problem is a triangle has three points and the Knicks currently have one of those points.
The big problem with the triangle offense is that literally nobody else runs it, and Phil was terrible at building his coaching tree. Hence to get the offense installed in New York he has to rely on ex players who have not been in demand to coach anywhere else. Nothing is to say that it won’t work today provided it…
Oooh member Shaquille O’Neal?
Old White Man Wants Things To Be The Way They Used To Be
That’s not a hot take. It is a reasonable take. “Hot take” =\= “take I disagree with.” The Pats are hateable, and glowing support of a monster is a perfectly good reason to hate them more.
I didn’t really need another reason to hate him, but I’ll take it.
As a Pats’ fan, I hate that anyone on the New England Patriots might support this hate-fueled, orange demagogue, but then I remember that most owners and coaches of sports franchises are horrible, horrible assholes. Except you, Cuban. You’re all right.
Yet another reason to despise the New England Scoundrels
Sarah Palin is a woman, and so is Hillary Clinton.
Black president
This comment’s peak was the one where you specified “2004.” ;)
LMAO youre such an asshole I love it
WOWWIE. Congrats Cubs fans. THAT WAS ONE HELL OF A GAME 7!!! Also- Theo Epstein broke the Red Sox curse in ‘04 AND the Cubs curse. Holy shit. One of the best executives the game’s ever seen.
Some perspective on how historic this is:
Jesus Walter.
the Indians never quite threatened, but they constantly threatened to threaten