
So much wrong here... Torsen is not viscous coupling...its a helical gear differential. And its the same 60/40 split as Xdrive. Xdrive is viscous coupling and only recently became e-viscous. The most notable advantages to the helical diff is it is always working and theoretically never wears out as there’s no friction

2nd. I’ve said this before around these parts. Everyone wanted too much from the Dieselgate settlements around the globe. I get they cheated and something had to be done, but the insane amount of money that is being forked over isn’t right. Eventually it trickles down to the average man and woman. Though VW will make

It looks a lot better proportioned than the standard Tiguan, I quite like it! I wonder how big the rear seat is now, the standard 5-seat model we get down under is easily the biggest in the segment, same with the boot.