Zach Noteman

And what’s the narrative gonna be?

Yes, you have certainly proven your point that people don’t make self-serving conclusions based on scant evidence.

Jesus Christ. Do none of these guys think, “Fuck, he’s flying through the air, I should pull up and just tackle the guy so I don’t murder him?”

I know you’re priming for some goofy fight on semantics but you’re not going to get it. I was just delivering a message, which I did.

You probably believe TIME contacted him for that Person of the Year interview and photo shoot too.

You seriously think that was dirty? What else was Stewart supposed to do after Cooper dropped his head down to the level of Stewart’s elbow? But then again, you think PI is an indication a team is playing dirty so it is pretty clear you have no clue what you are talking about.

Yeah, that’s what the people we find exhausting would say. I actually put money on “intellectual laziness” so now I have money for dinner, thanks.

You should know that the rest of us find existing with you and the other people that say shit like this fucking exhausting.

There are a shocking number of people on-line who want to be able to have sex with young teens. Everytime this issue comes up, they wish to parse the wording and to claim that 14 is really more like 18 than 12. It’s a lot like how many white people really want the right to say or write ni%%er.

>>> “...defined as......involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years or younger). As far as we know at present, the youngest girl whom Moore allegedly pursued was 14 years old...” <<<

No, I’m perfectly happy conflating these right now, thanks.

He’s a pedophile because he tried to pick-up, at best, or molest, at worst, a 14 year-old girl

The lowest form of life. Stop.

i, likewise, demand answers for why the packers haven’t been as good since rodgers got hurt. i’m not saying obama’s behind all this, but i’m also not not saying obama’s behind this.

Swaggy P may very well have been doing this outside of the analogy too.

Yo man, I need that copy of die hard on dvd back, it’s almost Christmas movie season!

For that matter, how is Batman v. Superman even a reasonable fight? Superman is basically a god and Batman is a regular dude with gadgets. I guess he must have a really fancy gadget.

Uhhhhh, 4Chan was a thing long before reddit.

On the one hand, I keep having to tell DC fans that I don’t want their movies to fail, that I actually want a good Batman, a good Superman movie.