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Ooh! I also nominate the Goodyear Inflatoplane. Another one piloted by my grandfather. I suppose it didn't fail at being inflatable but it didn't really end up fitting a specific mission task particularly well. It looks like they even planned VTOL and rocket powered versions of this because the animators of Whacky

Much like a German stylist, you look bitter

Eew and all the pint glasses.

I only skimmed the article, but then I saw your comment. I just HAD to know what that was all about, so I went back to read. Thank you for that!

everything must go!!!!!!!

Did he rent shoes? What size are his feet?

File this one under "Stuff only white people can do"

WHAT THE FUCK, MINDY??? As a Dartmouth alum, she knows damn well that game would never ever be played at there in that style, especially by alumni. We exclusively played with paddles and still do. That is what the tables look though.

That's not exactly the Albanian flag; it's a flag depicting the red of the normal flag in the shape of Greater Albania (basically including Kosovo), a symbol of Albanian nationalist aspirations.

Sounds like the law is written to criminalize manipulating a camera angle to take pictures of body parts intended to be concealed by clothes ("there is no evidence that the Defendant positioned his camera on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial or otherwise underneath individuals' clothing in order to capture clothed or

Agreed. I hate the result, but judges can't convict someone for legal behavior, no matter how creepy it is. Imagine how fucked up that would be if they could.

Though many government employees are working to tighten the laws around taking upskirt shots, others, like one judge in our fair nation's capital, are not.

How do you write an article with 1 paragraph about how under NCAA rules she is allowed to transfer, but the University of Alabama is blocking that.....then in the next sentence try to blame the NCAA? Guess you have to stick with the website talking points?

The CTS-V wagon.

Why was the guy still waiving the Green flag? After having such a MASSIVE impact right below him?

"Puto" is ....not a compliment.

He's 16. What would have happened if that "child" had committed a violent crime? There's be outrage if we didn't try him as an adult. But when sex is involved, we're suddenly all concerned about the "saftey of the children". Either a 16 year old is a child or they're an adult. They hypocracy of jumping back and

A-10 don't give a shit.

I think we'd already established that Jameis doesn't understand the meaning of "no."