My vote is- if someone smacks you in the genitals, you have a free pass. I didn't watch the video though, because I was worried I might be subjected to Tim McGraw's music.
My vote is- if someone smacks you in the genitals, you have a free pass. I didn't watch the video though, because I was worried I might be subjected to Tim McGraw's music.
By Sirius' own admission, he is the most listened to show on their channels, so it's hardly presumptuous. Also, if you refuse to listen due to some long held belief that he's not worth your time, you might want to give him a listen. By far the best interviewer in the business. And what other show will have an…
That was a totally farcical call. My favorite line that tends to get over looked is "there's cops all deep in this." Tata Toothy to you, good sir.
Was that Captain Janks? I thought he retired from that job when he came out of the closet.
Maybe you should blame the news agency for obviously not even doing a cursory check on people they put on the air just so that they can try to scoop a story. But no, that'd be silly, right?
Also surprising in 2014: that people still listen to Howard Stern. A curious development, that.
Yeah, the media caricature that he's basically Fartman all day turns a lot of people off, plus he feeds into it himself (he could have been successful selling himself as more of an iconoclastic Anthony Bourdain type, but there you have it). As a result, only his core audience sees his depth. He's probably the best…
BABA Booey!!!!!!!!
Fa fa foo fa
And this right after the 20th anniversary of the best one.
Exactly...I have not listened for quite some time since he went to satellite. But it still is funny the number of dipshits that think his show is a "bunch of dick and fart jokes". It definitely can be pretty raunchy and yes, juvenile, but as soon as anyone says his show is nothing but dick and fart jokes...tells me…
So just because I like Howard Stern that somehow makes me...what? Stupid? Unable to determine what's funny and what's not? My guess is that there are Howard Stern fans who don't find this funny, just as there are non-Howard Stern fans who do find this funny, so what point are you trying to make? Are you somehow…
It's also a good idea to listen to a guy talk before you say the guy is likely "southern." Which part of Long Island, Alabama is he from?
It's a good idea to actually listen to the show before saying things like this.
O-Qua Tangin Wann and a Bababooey to y'all
He got tossed for saying "Really motherfucker!". You should turn on your sound next time your whole article is about a video clip, audio is important.
That is some grassy knoll shit. The poll obstructs her "punch" but it looked like more of a mush than a punch. He however squared up on her. Just because a woman strikes first, your still a pussy if you hit her back. Unless she's like Chyna and is twice the guys size.
They've been putting out good stuff lately. I'm amped for the next Miata. If it follows any of these it should be really attractive.
I think you mean "nearly hit a whale."