
I saw a fan theorize that pediatric dentist was Jo's ex.

At this point, the biggest twist this show could do is Kirkman not getting his way

Maybe it's just me but Glenn's cluelessness and people trying to swoop in and save him is kinda grating at times.

If it was me, I'll probably be over her long ago.

Oh cool. They just dropped the April/Avery storyline for Maggie. Hunt and Amelia should talk or just divorce. Is Justin Chambers a regular extra now?

NOOO… please dont let that be the ending. Althought it was very nice and a fitting end if it is.

I never actually believed that Hannah and Adam would get back together. AT least, I thought that they will and then Jessa will reveal that she's pregnant too and Adam will leave Hannah and be with her legit baby momma. Glad that didnt happen that way. This was actually quite sweet and that last scene was gorgeous.

How, um, shallow. THIS. SHOW.


It really does feel like they're trying to tie up a lot of loose ends for a series finale. The vibe feels like when HIMYM was on its last episodes.

This was a really, really funny episode. At first I thought they wont have Ricardo Chavez in this episode that's why he wasnt replying to Rogelio.
I love where they're going with the Petra/Rafael/Chuck love triangle and I also like that I was wrong that Alex would be Jane's new love interest. I wasnt mad at the

I am confused at people saying this was a bad episode because Shoshanna wasnt in it? What? Why?

I just watched Big Little Lies and then this one. Emmy voters will probably have a hard time picking from these 2 shows alone. And we still have American Crime, Henrietta Lacks TV movie, Viola Davis TV movie and even American Horror Story and Fargo

Madeline opening up her affair to Abby was so effective to me. It's like everything is trying to boil up but she's still trying to keep it together in fear of her losing her marriage.

Izzie was fine when she was on the show.. I believe it was Heigl that was the problem

I am willing to get back Izzie just for Amelia and Maggie to just disappear from this show.
I feel bad for Owen having to go through this again but then why didnt they talk about babies before they got married. Like we got a finale that was focused around their marriage and I dont think their relationship can come back

Props for Brad for taking out NewKu's strong player and not listening to JT's Sandra pitch but hopefully NewKu still wins in the next challenges as I dont want anyone from that tribe to not make the merge

Dayuum Abuela, that dress definitely fits in the right places

oh wow. that bad huh. I guess the last time I enjoyed TWD was the Beth storyline

i've seen people on twitter rave about it. maybe they're wrong