
I was surprised that Gail didnt lash out at the group for not noticing or hearing her stuck in the elevator. Although the scene where everyone thought she was just partying in Napa was really funny.

I stopped watching halfway through last season, is it getting better now? Seems like things are getting interesting.

I remember, probably a year ago, when Shonda said that she doesnt see Scandal lasting as long as Greys. I was quite happy that maybe season 6 would be the last season.

make us "feel bad" for Eli

Good episode coz no drama from Minnick. I like that Japril reunited, I just hope it sticks so we have one less clunker storyline to deal with.

but the baby goat needs milk too

It'll be great if Mana loses every immunity challenge from here until the merge.
Also, is Brad Culpepper doing a Jeremy Collins?

What I really love about in this episode and probably one of the scenes from this season was the fight. They were both so great in that one. It's actually like watching a couple you know fight. It's refreshing to actually see them in the morning and not say sorry but to accept that they hurt each other and they need a

I love shows that still has that jolt of creativity even when they're a couple of seasons in. New Girl and also Girls make it satisfying that you invested on it and they dont let you down with uninspired storylines. (unlike, you know, Glee)

This is in the B category for me. That Olive Garden sketch was hilarous.

TVD/Supernatural crossover?

So Bonnie broke the curse because she got her magic back and it was far easier to bring back Elena as she is not really dead DEAD. and if I remember correctly from a few episodes back, Enzo doesnt want to come back. Also, thay call it the place "Peace" like if there was a Hell there there shouldve been a place for

Mine was Aunt Jenna and then got goosebumps when Uncle John came out of the house. Loved those characters.

I only remembered Grandma Bennet and the other witch who had the infamous badly acted scene a few episodes ago but were we supposed to know who the other 2 witches that were focused on? I feel like I remember them

Bonnie is not being followed by Enzo's ghost. It was just like Caroline's and Alaric's, they felt presence of their loved ones sometimes.

I agree that looking at this episode alone and not the whole season made it a perfect ending. It just worked especially the last 5 minutes of the who where the water works started for me. (Damn you, Aunt Jenna. I still miss you).

I hate everyone on this show right now. Minnick is destroying this show. They're all acting like children. Like only in this episode, Amelia was probably the one I was least annoyed at. I also hated how Amelia wanted to talk to Owen and then Maggie was like "Er, not tonight." Seriously, get put of that couple's

That is why Sandra Diaz Twine is the queen.

That wave though, giving me The Crown feels. This show is not great GREAT but it's still enough to make viewers enjoy an hour of television. The only problem is the lack of complexity of the characters.

It may be an "off" episode (but not really that much) but it was still effectively emotional. I think Randall's fear of Sanjay was because he was a big part of the company and now their just trying to replace him with somebody easily. Perfectly reasonable that he quit. It was stressing him way too much.