
still sad about some of the reviews getting cancelled (mostly for Survivor) I wonder if Jane the Virgin or any of the CW shows survived

I like this episode. It's a B for me. I dont feel like the show really swept Mahoney's death under the rug because something tells me Frank got something to do with it. I also like Frank's transformation. Hippie beard no more.

all your questions all have one answer: it doesnt make for good drama. Keep in mind this is only the premiere. They have 20+ episodes more to stretch at least some of these questions (or maybe just until before the break.

Maggie was so annoying. Meredith lying to her and then Maggie saying but she's her sister made me roll my eyes. Alex, even at his worst, was already there for Meredith and the others.
I would love to see how Jo will fix this coz she is seriously the root of all this. Karev no talking to her and not letting her explain

This show suddenly reminded me of that film where everyone doesnt lie and then this certain person discovered it and then chaos.

The circular staircase in the house reminds me of the staircase in Asylum.
Also, rabid Gaga looks cool

We still have Empire reviews but not Survivor?? CAn we have at least the premier too?

Quite surprised at how gory (in broadcast network standards) this premiere was. Kinda excited and I loved it. It's weird seeing the team all over the place.

since when did rules become such a deterrent for the inmates? worn panties getting shipped out and guards and inmates having babies and threesomes. I wouldnt be surprised if it was an inmate going through there

I'm not really a sports guy but couldnt he be like someone who was just good looking and has name recall enough that the show would like to get him (ala Kris Humphries maybe? or that Jordan guy from this season's The Bachelorette?)

not really, i think that she's just using Coleman and the only person that got her really grounded and stable or at least close to it was Adam.

Adam's return wasnt really out of nowhere. I believe it was him who Quinn was calling.

I was surprised they let go of Zoe Jarman, in her last episode, seeds were planted for a Jeremy/Betsy pairing.

This is clearly a sophomore slump. I feel like critically acclaimed shows are more susceptible to this. (see also The Flash). It's like the writers heard all the good things that people liked about season 1 so they overload the 2nd season with all those things and oftentimes they go overboard like Unreal.

I feel like Jeremy's storyline is like an FU to the network who pushed for the character to stay on board against the creators wishes.

That's heartbreaking and weird because
1, Survivor was the reason I joined avcub and
2. I dont live in the US so I come on the review a few hours late and the comments are already 300+ and no one wants to discuss with me anymore hahaha.

Maybe it was Vause putting those papers with the name of the dead person rustling in the corn fields? patch?

I dont understand the review. A B+ but full of where the show went wrong. Weirdo.

Is Edmure still alive? Will he be the King of RIverrun?

*raises hand*
I'm available.