
yes but it has been explained before (dunno when or where but I read it somewhere) that the scenes arent really in the same timelines.

Arya but with Cersei's face?

Lady Olenna putting down the Sand Snakes wwas really great. I agree that Margaery's death dampened my glee for the High Sparrow's death.

Daenerys was like "Long distance relationships never work. Just stay here in Meereen. K?"

I hope they wont cut down the episodes.

there were A lot of great episodes. But I always come back to Hardhome and last week's Bastardfest

I am still hoping the Margaery is still alive. Yes I am stupid. But a Margaery and Dany scene? Wouldnt that be great?

The new girl CO.. i dont know of she's nice, if she cares or she's just indifferent. I cant read her.

yeah.. Freddie Stroma is kinda hitting the jackpot with roles. a guest spot on GoT and he's the leading actor on one of the time travel dramas for midseason. Who wouldve thought, Cormac McLaggen getting juicy roles.

They just did the congratulations-here's-a-reward fakeout last episode. I wonder why they did it again but with Quinn. So did Chet kidnap his baby?

awesome battle got his budget. at least he's not dead..yet

wun and done. Bye.

was it really unexpected? I mean, I knew Sansa sent that raven somewhere. And her talk with Jon at least delaying the battle means she has back-up coming.

dunno about Ramsay's head but salmon heads are hella tasty.

That battle was so beautifully shot. It gave me Apocalypto (RIP Rickon) and 300 feels. Jon's a lucky bastard. All the people around him getting skewered but no, not him

He is still a regular this season. At least in thr credits

Yeah. Even if they replace someone with Mery STreep and it's poorly written, then it's still a step down

I like this episode mainly because I feel like it went back a bit to it's romcom roots. I believed Mindy when she said that the Coach feels like someone she can see having a future with. A bit sad that (maybe for now?), Danny and Mindy arent endgame and maybe we''ll see less and less of Annette.

maybe Chris Harrison was trying to be Bachelor's version of Survivor's Jeff Probst? like being one of the big man behind the scenes?

This show is meant to be consumed by binge watching hahaha. I want all of the episodes out now. I will say that I was late to the party last season and I binged half the episodes in one seating. This is so good.