
COuldve been an A-/B+ without all the Jody stuff. Coach was actually nice,

So Chet got fit and Jeremy got fat. Role reversal huh

I was scared for Olenna putting Cersei in her place while FrankenMountain was there. I mean, we saw what he did with peeing dude.

I was waiting for America Ferrera to show up haha or even Mateo

The problem for me is that I can barely remember what happened in the 1st 3 seasons. I know they were great but I was just lulled by the muck of the last 2 seasons into thinking that what I am watching is still passable. And then you made me remember that horrible Eva storyline and the Matty-is-always-endgame circus.



MRS. PATMORE!!! That was so cool haha.

That was really good. Everything was right again at Seattle. Ellen Pompeo and Sarah Drew were the MVPs of this season. SHow some Emmy love, Emmys.

I'm a millennial but those millennials shown were plain annoying. I want all of them to go home one by one.

Maria Hill would be awesome!

I am somewhat hopeful that they'll integrate Bobbie and Hunter's return with SHIELD's hunt for Daisy.

I always expected Lincoln to be the Fallen Agent with all the chemistry pushing with Daisy by the writers wich made me change my mind becasue it was so easy while I was watching the episodes. I thought for sure it was gonna be Fitz when FitzSImmons started talking about vacations and Seychelles and then that ruddy

She was just too perfect. I had an inkling that there's something wrong with her.

I was a bit surprised that this was the finale and it didnt get the usual 22 episode order. O h well, at least we already have season 3 to look forward to.

I started the episode 10 minutes late coz I forgot it was on (stupid of me) but I was expecting their reunion with "You're alive" and hugs and kisses or something haha

coming soon on CBS


The kids will be the big bad next season, siphoning all magic bringing the end to all vampires and witches and fairies and magical creatures.

Okay this season was a complete mess. The Heretucs never took off, Rayna was never a fun villain, Calatic was a bore and them shoving Steroline down our throats when they have zero chemistry was exhausting.