
The banality of evil, as Arendt (and that NPC from No One Lives Forever) said.

Thanks for a pretty fascinating read on the commute!

🤷 I love toss a coin to your witcher and loathed save the city. I get it’s supposed to be semi-parody but I don’t even find it listenable.

And I get miffed when people play the “everyone has issues” card when the problem in gaming circles is far is disproportionately high given the societal level/ability to protect themselves of the victim and the amount of targeted vitriol they receive.

Dude, you are so off the mark with the seasonal content. The seasons have been amazing. It’s been like tuning into a weekly show that you get to participate. There isn’t another online game out there that is doing seasonal story as well as Destiny 2 is.

This is sort of my point I made in the last thread: The constant bitching creates a version of the experience that just isn’t really what Destiny is about. And most of that bitching are from the most hardcore enthusiast who absolutely would spend hours upon hours of being in that loot cave trying to get the perfect…

I understand that people have their own ways of enjoying movies and for some that means avoiding all information beforehand. That said, getting mad at people for openly discussing what’s in the studio approved promotional material for the movie is just nonsensical. 

Lmao I scrolled through the comments and found yours. That’s... How it works. New?

If it's in the actual trailer and advertising, is it still a spoiler? 

See everyone says this but you know it can work both ways. People just need to start trade marking all kinds of names with Doom in it. Let ID Software “use there giant wallet” all they want. If each case takes 2 years in court then 100 US Trade Marks with the word Doom in them will take 200 years. Good luck.

Here are…

Oof, low bar.

It’s already a better Ireland TV season than Sons.

So in other words, you agree that “Persona without the heart” is an extremely accurate description of SMT, you just don’t like the implication that that’s a bad thing?

Lol okay then.

This is the same Dexter who could somehow hack into anyone’s computer by guessing the password. A shoddy background check is peanuts in comparison.

Gun control.

I’m already liking Slightly Goofier Faye, I’m glad they’re doing their own thing. So much of what made the anime what it was feels like it’d be nearly impossible to translate to live action anyway. There’s a kind of stillness and atmosphere that isn’t really possible with real people.

PS3...a system that was discontinued five years ago, and no one’s telling you to pirate shit.

Look at you now, telling us to pirate PS5 games.

By all accounts its pretty good!