
How necessary is playing RDR 1? I have it, would just have to put in the effort to set up my 360 and play through it finally. 

Arnheim, is RDR2 on par with The Witcher III? 

I’m still sad we couldn’t even get Fillion back for it. Nolan is good, but he sounds too Nolan-y to me. His Cayde just reminded me of his Deadpool from UMvC3.

The reply was in regards to that latter part of post.

I fucking love Pleasantville. What a great movie.

I just learned this is a word, and I am now convinced it is a portmanteau of abstract and obtuse.

VLR is just so damn good. The fact that even the branching story game mechanics have an explanation (and important one at that) is so great. I’m playing with a friend for his first right now, and he’s loving it.

In addition to Lewa358's explanation, the third game, Zero Time Dilemma, does not involve a nonary game.

I think it’s probably more of a budgetary concern. 

I’m pretty sure “Transparently Hypocritical” is the title of Trump’s next book (at least if he had any shred of self-awareness).

2020 will be the year of our Lord and Savior, Hellmo.

Disney owns all of Marvel.

What do you play on?

I know, right? Just the gumption to try a huge shift and see if it works out is great to see, especially from a long-standing franchise.

Do you think the latest Mario Party will ever get any updates or support, or has Nintendo just abandoned it?

What’s the next game Jason is going to delay?

I am very happy for you. On an unrelated note, because of your comment, I was compelled to look up the difference in using further/farther, and now I have learned something today. Hurray!

Imagine this being your first Heinlein it was mine.

John Mulaney in fact wrote 95% of Ice T's confused dialogue. 

Please never stop posting this in Spider-Man articles.