
EA Games is notorious for: mandatory day 1 updates (games are not for every one any longer- because the internet is still not every where), valuing graphics over performance/actual value, day 1 DLC (or week 2, but has been planned in development since day 1), adding in extra layers of required payments to use

When i was a child, I learned that dogs can’t climb trees. I also learned that dogs can’t get out of a choke hold or protect themselves from choking techniques because they are not human. The 2nd time I learned this, the dog had rabies & I was told I was lucky. I didn’t bother to point out that luck has nothing to do

I think, when I first watched this movie, I was a young child- 6th grade young. I also know that my brain immediately calculated that there was enough room for both of them on the debris, and that based upon how much it had sunk from her weight that it would be a VERY simple matter for him to climb on too & both

That was worth the laugh I enjoyed from it. Seriously, who is going to take you seriously if you go around demanding every one else share your values and ideals, exactly, on any other subject than publicly executing violent child trafficking ring members? For that matter, who thought it was a good idea to start

Straight out bullshit. Don’t you think twice about it. If I decided there was a genuine threat that Needed to be destroyed, I could illegally acquire a fucking plasma launching cannon and portable rail gun. Step off your high horse and acknowledge that people who have chosen to destroy others Will Destroy Others & The

It’s not scripted, but I’m certain it would make people uncomfortable if I tie them down and put junper cables on their balls connected to a terrifying cascade of devices that all hinged upon a rat choosing never to eat again. Obviously I shouldn’t do that. Obviously this fuck face Ross Duffer needs some one to point

What am I missing here? In my area you choose from Digiorno (which has a 50% chance of being completely inedible once cooked- ever since Nestle bought it out a decade ago), several other ice pop pizza’s, Domino’s, Pizza Hut, Little Ceaser’s, “Hunt’s” (from a gas station!?) or Papa John’s.

In a country where Rape is hardly ever charged as rape, if one hair falls from your head and touches a police officer or politician: you have commited a felony offense.

First off, using hacks & mods in a public cafe is literally against Every Internet Cafes Rules of use of their equipment- for obvious reasons, other than the part where you are cheating. Second, if you are such a pussy that you think being smacked upside the head is physical violence (in a Nation known for

People have given up hope in the morality of major developers like Ubisoft. These developers have been purposefully leaving parts of the narrative out of the main purchase of a game, for a decade now. They don’t “want” you to buy extra content/DLC, they Demand you buy it. Seriously, we’re talking about a multi billion

The whole aristocratic layering of Hollywood NEEDS to End. There are Dozens of movies with Release Dates getting perilously closer to “suspended indefinately” simply because these “A-List” Actors have already signed up for them, but won’t have enough time to finish every thing they have signed onto for another #######

We live in an interconnected world of digitally pirated content. These terms would be unnacceptable to me, as such i would spend the remaining time contacting every other theater and collectively banning the movie from release. Disney is trying to be a thug while being in the billion dollar bracket value- I can live

If one hates all beings equally, it is no longer racism or discrimination. If one disrespects the Flag & Anthem, you are proclaiming that you stand against the NATION (which is the PEOPLE themselves)- and therefore are technically declaring civil war. Surrender, Die, or Leave; there is no 4th option.

I contacted that same department involving a computer program that was initiated in “strengthening security” for the FAA, years ago. The story had gone viral over how some company charged an obscene amount of money to write the program, and it was actually just a basic program that only took about 2 hours to code.

The timeline has never been a problem with me. What is a Serious problem is the part where they have to beat the living dog piss out of the storyline to NEVER include the X-Men, and even in the X-Men cinematic universe, how they HAVE to beat the crap out of the storyline to do something idiotic like proclaiming

Even people that have never played Fortnite know not to bother with it because they have a serious issue with hackers. There is no fun in a game of skill, when some one is declared the winner for having absolutely zero skill. Games do not exist to be hacked. Charge them as guilty and make their parole the same as any

Remember when Hulu launched? And then it brought in subscription only for a while. And then it relaunched as free again, but with commercials & the whole time they couldn’t get a handful of megashows correct? Episodes out of numerical order, some episodes completely missing? And then I just Never Went Back, because I

😧 Human deceit is discovered in government by abuse of means instituted to limit government abuse. Que removing ability to see confirmation of abuse of government power by abusing government power. I would rather live in the 1500's.

I’ve seen them. Some are bots, some are honest trolls. The best action to take is to absolutely ignore them.

If my ear piece connects to a device it states as much in my ear. If it does not, that’s a manufacturing fault. If some one is going around using bluetooth to hack into phones and steal information, doesn’t that mean I should create a sophisticated scanner that will alert me when such is happening and exactly where