The real news here is you have a Chrysler 200..........
The real news here is you have a Chrysler 200..........
Those two Corollas knocked the beige right off each other.
Wow, this is worse than I thought. She also makes people wait in line behind her while she writes a check. Definitely needs to get help.
I never understood the hate on this guy. Sure his jokes aren’t for everyone, but he has found a way to make the same jokes lowbrow and high brow a the same time. I always found them creative. I’ve also thought his voice was kinda perfect for what he does. Its very fitting.
Well...was it any good?
James May is a national treasure. Somebody needs to start a petition to get him knighted.
Weird, you don’t provide a source for that $35k number for battery replacement. I can’t imagine why.
What about the torque ratios!?! Someone, please think of the torque ratios! How can they make this decision without a spreadsheet showing the torque ratios? I need to take a nap.
Which is shocking considering Lawton is definitely not in the top 5 places in OK I’d pick.
You sound as salty as those fries in the title.
You sound as salty as those fries in the title.
next time ask him if it covers you when you leave Cars and Coffee.
My life (and passengers) is so much more secure when I work on my car than when Johnny-dropped-out-of-highschool down at the local Qwikee-lube does it. I used to work on my cars because I had to, now I work on them because that’s the only way I’ll feel good about safety critical features on my multi-ton steel death…
That’s not a lady, that’s Matt Hardigree.
Man fuck you, those are cool.
But then you have a Patriot, not an XJ.
Buying a Honda Insight is still the worst decision he’s ever made, a problem somehow solved by the second worst decision he’s ever made.
Well, thank you idiots for making NHRA's point for them.
Be careful using the Tabasco pepper olives. They'll overcharge your battery, and may cause it to burst.