Zach Brooks

Also, maybe you want to do a report on Trump wearing black socks with blue pants. I believe you want to match your socks to the suit pants, and while matching them with your shoes is OK, I guess, you’d think a billionaire president-elect would be looking sharper on his first trip to his new home.

It’s reassuring to see that we’ve voted in another man of color as president.

That’s not pizza. It’s a bowl of microwaved cheese and bacon.

Fit shaming.

If After the Thones is any indication, this will be an absolute wreck of a show that I’ll watch every week for reasons I don’t entirely understand.

That’s...not how plagiarism works.

Yea I mean there’s no way he could make the title something like “My biggest complaint about Civil War” or “Civil war was great EXCEPT” or literally any other title that doesn’t have a spoiler in the title. Since, you know, some of us were busy this weekend and were planning on watching it tonight.

The way that you are defending it makes it crystal clear that the article’s title was a deliberate attempt to drive page views by people upset about the embedded spoiler.

There is a difference between talking about it and posting right in the title that nobody dies. Even if there is no death, that in itself if a plot point. Going in KNOWING that there are no deaths removes that mystery. At least you’d have to think about the fights wondering, or when Roadie drops from the sky. Come on

“Grow up?” Methinks Samer needs to take his own advice.

Or you could, and get this, not post spoiler filled article titles for movies that came out THREE DAYS AGO and then repost it to the sports board.

Grow up, working for Gawker doesn’t automatically make you in the right.

Hey, maybe if I wasn’t normally such a fan of the site that I follow it on Twitter and Facebook so that the spoiler title had an extra two chances to do its work, it wouldn’t be such a big deal. No reason to be a dick about it, particularly when the article doesn’t exist for any reason other than to be a spoiler.

I was about to say. Looking at my tickets for Civil War after work today, taking a look at twitter. BAM! Well thanks for that.

No one said it should. But it’s common sense to avoid spoilers in a title.

Hey, thanks for the fucking spoiler right in the title.

Alright, now that the first one is done and 2 is coming, I’m going to need everyone to collectively work together to get Jon Hamm cast as Cable.

It’s good to see that Harbaugh is changing the culture in Ann Arbor. Recruits can’t wait to play at Bawl So Hard University.

This Blogger Is The Worst Thing On Gawker

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