Your local library probably has lots of physical media that you can borrow without coughing up a lot of money. I can find tons on Blu-ray at mine.
Your local library probably has lots of physical media that you can borrow without coughing up a lot of money. I can find tons on Blu-ray at mine.
The key to meal prep is to make a bunch of different types of components you can remix in different ways. A few different veggies, a grain, one or two proteins, a sauce or two. You can make lots of combos do grain bowls, put on lettuce for a salad, put in a wrap. Things won’t be drastically different, but there will…
I set my Android alarm clock app to play the High Energy playlist and it's gotten me out of bed since I've changed to it. Great recommendation!
Don’t worry, a few days later Trump confirmed water is indeed wet
I’m on an annual plan through November, so any time Moviepass works for me, it feels like found money. I’ve already seen 30+ movies for the $90 I spent last year. is so garbage. I got “$20" on there for completing a survey last year. There are barely any good restaurants on there in my area, and the ones that were on there only had $5 gift certificates that you could purchase with the promotion. Those $5 gift certificates couldn’t be combined and were limited to…
Kitchen scrap vegetable broth is great. Save your vegetable and herb scraps in a gallon freezer bag (carrot ends, onion ends, herb stems, celery, etc.). Once the bag is full, boil it in the largest pot you have with as much water as you can fit for an hour or two. Strain the pot and add some salt and pepper to taste.…
Cold Brew coffee is super easy to make and way cheaper than buying from a coffee shop. Just combine grounds and cold water in a French press. Stir. Then put that sucker in the fridge overnight (I have to leave the top off the French press because the fridge shelf is too low. I probably should create some kind of…
I can’t stop thinking about this movie. When it ended, my initial reaction was that I really didn’t enjoy the experience. In the 5 days since, I keep going back to it and thinking about so many different parts. I think it would really, really benefit from a second viewing but I don’t know if I can bring myself to sit…
Replace sweatpants with athletic shorts and you’re golden.
Lightly steamed broccoli is great. I don’t get the hate at all.
Grilled Okra is the shit. Just toss in a little olive oil and seasonings and throw on the grill. It’s a gamechanger.
Promo code doesn't work for me. Is it only for the black backpack? Still a great deal.
Promo code doesn't work for me. Is it only for the black backpack? Still a great deal.
When is the Lifehacker podcast going to come back!?!
This is a great tip to make foamed milk for lattes and cappuccinos. Was super useful once I bought a Nespresso.…
Here come the rush of idiots flagging Onion articles. Hopefully Facebook accounts for that.
Anyone have experience with the Moto X? I've been looking for something to get semi cheap to tide me over until I upgrade from my Galaxy S4 which isn't working too great these days.
Anyone have experience with the Moto X? I've been looking for something to get semi cheap to tide me over until I…
Good thing you just got the "worst thing on the internet" hundreds more views.