Zach Blumenfeld

Storm Duck could foul things up”

All in favor of letting Lomax transfer?

Asked about the call, the referee explained, “I had to do something before Russell infected us all with the dreaded clap.”

“Watch hundreds of young Japanese amateurs get creamed by three pros.”

26-14 or, as it’s known in Alabama, courtin’ ages.

Credit to Matt Rhule where it’s due, at least Baylor is just assaulting men now.

It will rise again...just give it like 20 minutes.

Split the difference, adopt the Penix as a mascot:

Said the same thing after my Harry Potter loving girlfriend and I watched Broadway production of Equus.

Reporter: Can you describe how you felt when you were offered the scholarship and then when they rescinded it just two weeks before signing day?

Toews is great but he should not be here. Panarin got dicked over.

On behalf of the Badgers, I would like to apologize to everyone for not finishing the skullfucking that was going on through the first 25 minutes of the game. Surely, we have all lost tonight.

Kate’s improper use of “your” has forever killed my boner for her.

the Indians never quite threatened, but they constantly threatened to threaten

Yeah I don’t think that last line is enough. The headline – and essentially the whole post – is pretty much stirring shit like, “smile pretty, honey.”

Worst quarterback in the NFL,” [Michael] says.

then you’d be bitching about not being able to watch them all.

Even though the concept of a United States of America didn’t exist until the late 18th Century.

Typically, both parties are on mic. For some reason, this time I wasn't. I had no idea until I got the footage back.