Zachary Peterson

Haven't used Opera in forever. I think I'll give it a shot again.

Oh God that Pat Goss so painful to watch.

Yay! Thanks, guys!

I'm getting the same green bar on my Optimus V. Everything else works like a champ though.

I might have to give the 3G calling a try. With Virgin Mobile, I get unlimited data but only 300 minutes. This would be perfect for when the minutes get low.

What is it with all the GoDaddy hate around here? Sure, their commericals are stupid and godawful, but I've never had a complaint with their service or pricing. I couldn't stand 1&1 when I used them. You get what you pay for, and with 1&1 you get the always delightful fly-by-night vibe.

I have one of these units in my efficiency. Kinda noisy sometimes, but it'll freeze your ass out. This looks like a great idea to hide the ugly thing.

I walk past this truck on my way to class almost every day at UNT. Being the former owner of a T100, this kinda hurts.

Kia Optima