Zachary Michaels

Did you do it? Did he answer?

Your username/avatar gives that comment some pathos.

I think that's what pre-saged means.

Yeah, they're not classic by any stretch, but I don't think they deserve to be lumped in with the rest of these bands by a long shot.

He seemed like a one-off to me.

I think you mean Davos.

I think they were talking more about King's Landing's civillians.

Okay so then why did Nemeria recognize her? Does changing faces change how you smell? And why did she recognize Nemeria? And say something that was a call back to a sentence she said like 5 years ago? Is the waif like the hero in Prototype and absorbs memories of people she kills?

I don't think he was part of that army.

I made this joke earlier that she must be confused about the TV continuity and think Stoneheart is in play.

And on the Walking Dead, the title is also about the humans!

And I guess half the cast are now Nightcrawler.

Shouldn't Jon be Wolverine since he came back from something fatal and probably has a bunch of war PTSD? Also, fell in love with the daughter of his former enemies?

…Antifa wants slaves?

He hit puberty 2. He's going to be writing songs about being unsure of how he's handling his life, being a perpetual outsider, and the awkwardness of dating white American dudes.

Why the hell would the Waif be murdering all of the people Arya wants to murder?

I think he's old and unassuming enough that it's supposed to just be cute. Honestly he reminds me of my dad.

I thought there was a shot of him burning, but it could have been someone else.

Why would you use anti-aircraft guns against dragons when they don't even exist?