Zachary James Wood

How is there an entire review of this episode without a single mention of ONE MILLION ANTS?!

You'd think she'd at least be in disguise, but nooooooo

Baelish has been watching Lost and realized all he has to do is act like Ben and he'll make it to the end for no reason.

Black Philip?

I think that's a pretty great assessment. All of those characters let their comparably quiet psychoses blend into the background, while more obviously broken people take the spotlight and therefore the bulk of the ridicule.

Turn up the volume really high and it becomes apparent he gets killed by the police.

Agreed. Nikki was trying to go (more or less) straight with Ray and her bridge aspirations, but she was forced by circumstance to simply be teamed up with a competent criminal partner instead.

True, but a big theme in that movie is that decent men like him get pushed to the periphery in order for the "real work" to happen.

I mean, what’d it really do, kill a guy and paralyze his buddy? Not a bad trade for spider peace.

sour krauts

Agreed! I thought "isn't he already a character in this somewhere else?"

No mention of a marine in a bunny suit talking about his best friend getting killed by an IED?

What a wonderful string of comments