Did you plan on buying a used Mercedes F1 car before this?
Did you plan on buying a used Mercedes F1 car before this?
I really enjoy Summoning Salt, I started watching episodes for some of the games I’ve played but eventually started watching videos of games I would probably never ever play, but still found it interesting.
Hey everyone - If you install ublock origin, go to its settings, select My Filters, and then paste:
What you’re doing here is the equivalent of yelling at a bunch of people who are playing kickball that they’re playing baseball wrong.
*laughs in modded java edition*
I want to get off MR BONES WILD RIDE
I want to get off Mr. Bones’ Wild Ride
This ain’t it, chief
Really, you just need to look at his background to see where this stuff comes from:
Yeah I respectfully disagree with this completely. I found Hopper’s behavior to be a new father who would have struggled with a teenage daughter (as many do IRL) in even the best of circumstances, and their circumstances are hardly ideal.
Who throws a crab? Honestly?!
FINALLY! GenZ is starting to be blamed for shit going wrong in industries, we’re almost out of the woods fellow millennials!
Ok Edgey McEdgerton
This same guy who was whining due to lag also immediately donated a solid 2k to an old acquaintance of his after finding out she had stage 4 cancer (something she had only just found out herself). The attention he gave her ended up in the rest of her hospital bills being paid off in full with change to spare because…
Damn man, a hole in the elbow for complaining about lag? The universe is really dialing up the karmatic justice these days.
Wait, Ash’s mom has a name?! And it’s not “Ash’s Mom”?