this is the classic “i spent thousands of dollars on my pc just to play the same game as someone who is socially adjusted enough not to spend thousands of dollars on a pc” argument
this is the classic “i spent thousands of dollars on my pc just to play the same game as someone who is socially adjusted enough not to spend thousands of dollars on a pc” argument
There was also the more low key, but fantastic, PC gaming conference, which, IMHO featured some of the best games (and with a lot less marketing buzzwords too! no uncompressed HDR pixel talk here!):
Oh the boy can swim this time.
The Fun Police are back in town
Criken does some really great game videos. Not much makes me laugh as hard as him. He’s definitely worth the subscribing.
Unforeseen Consequences.
Now I can order a pizza from minecraft. Goodbye real world
I like it, but I do see it generating less revenue because the “gotta get it now” urge is quite strong for the majority.
User Interface stuff fascinates me, because it has to dance such a fine line between looking pretty and being…
Another difference is that Colbert is actually funny.
It’s not just being loyal to a brand anymore. If you want any of your devices to work with each other or to realize all of hte functionality they offer, you kind of have to stick with one brand.
So this is it, this is how Western civilization crumbles.
I am convinced, beyond a shadow of doubt, that the Eagles will never, ever win a Super Bowl. Not in my lifetime, not in anyone’s lifetime. They are destined to fail for eternity.
Provolone is always the right order.
The only people who hate Eagles fans more than the rest of the universe are other Eagles fans.
And here you thought Fine Art was just about the guys making the stuff that goes in the game. Today, we're looking…