Zach Nelson

Good for him. I remember working as a volunteer at Minecon 2013 (Orlando) and having to pull him from the crowd of swarming teenagers so he can get to the official meet and greet space. It’s always nice to see YTers try and break out from their main channel to diversify their fame. If he finds success out of

I got the A2s in white, I love them. You pair it with their sub woofer as well and you can call it a day. I never knew I was listening to music wrong until I got them both.

I got the A2s in white, I love them. You pair it with their sub woofer as well and you can call it a day. I never

As an avid player of the PC version, I’m completely against this development. Luckily it should only live on the restricted console and mobile versions because they can’t do it themselves, so they need to rely on the developers and the platform. The only reason it could live in the PC version is by a pure money grab,

Hello 911? I just witnessed a fucking murder.

People should stop making useless HUDs then. Look at Astroneer, the only HUD while you explore is on your backpack. If you can interact with something it will tell you. The game is gorgeous because of the lack of HUD and I can lost in the world a lot easier.

Now playing

I think the best use case for “everything is available for comedy” is Anthony Jeselnik. One of his skits talks about the people who get offended by jokes of a tragic event and that the people who are getting offended are not the victims or their families, It’s the online community who needs everyone to know that they

I was gonna mention this game, it really is a lot of fun and it is VR capable if you have the equipment.

I thought the Independent Drivers Guild’s questions were a little short sighted.

I don’t know if they should remove it all together, but maybe as an app download for the people who really want it, I’m sure there is going to be some app ecosystem where they can get Netflix, Hulu, Facebook or whatever. A Browser could still be useful for people who want to use it as a general media device as well.

‘spirit of the buyback’

‘spirit of the buyback’

I love the Thomas Was Alone soundtrack at the beginning. It’s gotta be my favorite game soundtrack

My friends pointed this out. Arby’s has some good references. But Denny’s is way better at shitposting.

I like to use “Diet Nazi” or “Skim Nazi”. ‘Cause real Nazis did something, these people are just posers.

yo we need to show respect here, this guy is an actual Dota 2 expert. We should be thankful that he can give us some insight.

What’s the fate of YouTube? Absolutely nothing. The only thing that is going to happen is HolaSoyGerman will become the largest YT channel. The world will forget about Pewdipie as fast as they forgot about Fred and RayWilliamJohnson.

It depends on the channel, process, and content. The more content you put out the less time you have to edit so you need to pass it off to someone else. Gotta keep the gravy train rolling.

Since I can’t refund it on Steam, I might as well try it again. I doubt I will ever trust Hello Games with a new release ever again, but that shouldn’t take away from the fun I actually had for the first ten hours.

I nominated Depth for The “A Little Poo Came Out” Award.

welllllll shit.