Zach and Coke

This is a weird idea, right now. Is the goal to make Trump seem crazier in comparison, or to make people think that Trump is a moderate?

I imagine he played a role in creating Gilly.

Hahahaha like for real though, it's getting harder each day to not want to just find all of these motherfuckers and knock their goddamn teeth out. They are the scourge of the Earth and I'm getting genuinely tired of even tacitly entertaining the idea that they should be given any amount of respect or courtesy.

Looks like Trump has decided to be the President…

Facebook is starting to legitimately disgust me. Every article I see that is shared about Charlottesville, I'll look in the comments to see what people are saying. Usually the top three comments or so are in support of resisting white supremacy, but there will inevitably be someone with a bald eagle profile picture

People consistently underestimated both him and Jon Stewart when they went on their shows for interviews. It was always awesome to see them slowly realize that they weren't going to just have a fun time having some laughs.

It's a great trick, because it's designed to seem like he's a goof who's failing at the trick spectacularly and is a little self-conscious about it. And then…

*slow motion close-up of anticipatory bead of sweat, coupled with strings being discordantly tuned and weird drum beats*

They go to SUCH great efforts to assure the viewer that it's all kosher, though. And it's like, guys, I'm skipping the first four minutes anyway. There is no need to tie up these narrative plot holes.

If recent porn trends are any indication, the S stands for "Step."

Hey Deadpool, I know that you do meta jokes and and try to be edgy and whatnot, but pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase don't make a joke about this.

This is a great comment. Great comment, Shulkie.

PICTURED: Why white people are the obviously superior race.

Headline/header photo synergy, nice.

Busy weekend. Charlottesville is angering me beyond comprehension.

"Jon is technically not a bastard!"
*the Night King instantly withers away into nothing*

This comment is kind of rude to the black people who are creating Confederate.

The primary argument I've heard in favor of these white supremacists has been, no joke, "How is this any different from BLM, who actually ARE a terrorist organization?"

I enjoyed parts of Iron Fist, but the ending made the whole season and character arc of Danny seem kind of pointless and like I had just wasted my time. With that said, holy shit does this review take every possible opportunity to say how much IF sucked. Like, yeesh, okay, how is the rest of the show?

Does that also mean less "JESSSICAAAAAAAAAA"s?