
A car sitting in a garage makes 0 horsepower.

All those extremely huge cars might work in the US (and not in all towns there either) but in Europe you would not get into many parking spaces with a Ford Edge.
Spoiler: A Volvo 850 is about as long and wide as you can fit into most parking lots or underground carparks here, especially if they were built before the 200

Spoiler alert: In an article about what happens in a movie, what happens in the movie will be discussed. If you do not wish to be exposed to what happens in the movie, do not read an article about what happens in the movie.

Somehow, I inherited some ancient railroad repair equipment.

OMG THIS IS SO LAME. Also, I’ve violated Sacramento’s silly law – in Sacramento – many times. It was the summers of 2010-11 and there was a ‘65 Volvo 1800S to attend to. Fortunately, the neighbor was a former state trooper and her wife had a 1930 Model A in the garage.

Similar laws are used in my community as a weapon against minorities.

The rich people live far enough away that they won’t ever see poor people. Laws like these are usually written by poor people who hate other poor people.

limit how much oil you can buy without running your ID through a database.

Can’t have people stock piling lubricant in case they snap and create an oil slick at work, school, etc.

Sounds like the kind of legislation enacted by the local car shop owners. Just like the mortuary owners had laws passed making it illegal to burn your own dead in the back yard. Next thing you know, you won’t be allowed to worship your pagan gods in the home but will rather have to go to an established house of

Gotta ban those high capacity torque wrenches and fully semi auto jack stands

When I am working on my car it is typically to stop it from leaking chemicals.

Sounds like some rich people don’t want to see poors fixing their own cars in their neighborhood.

I've got two welders, which will be pried out of my cold dead hands. Presumably after I have inadvertently asphyxiated and electrocuted myself. And my hands might not be cold, smoldering is an option. The prying, that's compulsory. 

Shit, that sucks. Lucky for me I just converted my garage into a stable. No project cars here. Just some well behaved horses that I’ve trained to never blink.

Well, they only tell you where you can and can’t put your dick and what you can and can’t put into your body, but other than that, and anything else they can come up with because it’s in the Bible, they are totally not controlling anyone.

Meanwhile in conservative states:

Did they have anyone at all familiar with cars look at this shit? Changing coil springs and ball joints is major repair that takes the average rank amateur more than 24 hours and uses tools Joe&Jane Average don’t have in their house but doesn’t pollute at all unless you count swearing as polluting the air.

Yeah, tell me how conservatives don’t try to control people. Really, I need a laugh today.

First, it was the HOAs, and I didn’t care because I didn’t live in an HOA....