
Remember when Mazda gave us a turbo miata for like $1500 over regular sticker, in a car that is famous for its weight distribution? lolololololol Toyota, nice one.

Assuming it’s in good running order, NP all day. For the naysayers, this is what things cost. If you want the badge, the engine note, this is how you get there. Things cost money. The fact that you can get more speed or more ROI with the same money is not relevant. New owner is likely looking at some maintenance bills

We’ve seen this story before, right? Younger guy buys car that needs solid maintenance, spends that money on wheels and bullshit instead, lunches engine.

sorry i dont have compassion for people

The E36 has actually aged really, really well.

Thanks, I missed that. I agree that the wheel and suspension mods can be reversed, but I’m guessing the fenders got rolled for that fitment, so can you really go back? And since there’s not much info about engine maintenance, is it worth it? Those S54s aren’t camry engines. They need care, and when a stance kid sells

This is actually a great price for a Z4M, but I voted CP simply because I don’t trust stance people to maintain a needy BMW vanos engine properly. Look at those wheels. Those exhaust tips - on a no-name exaust. That bumper. No mention of what suspension he’s using to slam it like that. I do not trust this owner to

“A typical AR-15 bullet leaves the barrel traveling almost three times faster than, and imparting more than three times the energy of, a typical 9mm bullet from a handgun.” The 9mil round pierces straight through, whereas the AR round makes the organ look like a “overripe melon smashed by a sledgehammer.” - acccording

“mongoloid” is a very dated and offensive term. I respect our differences of opinion on this beautiful car, but that’s just an FYI for you, for the future.

not enough stars for this wonderful comment, but here you go:

It is a very valid point that having heat exchangers all over the car was not exactly common when the C6z came out. Even the GT350 had some issues at first with owners not opting for the track pack with its array of coolers, only to have overheating issues on the track. Ford “fixed” that problem by just putting the

sigh. These motherfu**kers.

Yeah, I mean, the whole genesis of his comments on the C6z is that someone asked him to compare his brand new high-falutin’ GT350 to his ten year old corvette, so there is that. However, even ten years ago, it’s not a good look that the hottest corvette you could buy got too, well, hot on the track. That’s not really

I have always loved these cars as well, and in terms of raw performance-to-dollar ratio, they’re still a solid proposition. However, I came across something recently that gave me pause on the C6z. Emilio over at 949 Racing (of Miata racing/tuning fame) recently got a GT350 after years of owning a C6z and had the

The dedication of this team is incredible. Kudos to them for making it happen in these difficult circumstances!

As for Honda: wow, what the hell. Do Honda managers take classes in how to shoot themselves in the foot? What an incredibly wasteful, foolish way to manage seriously talented people and top-level resources.

It’s really just beautiful, what science and engineering can do. It’s deeply affecting to see this kind of thing, especially in the scary and somewhat broken world we live in now. Stuff like this gives me hope.

I have to agree. A year and a half ago my best friend and I met up in LA for a 10-day vacation. We splurged and rented a “competition orange” 2015 mustang convertible. Even with the auto and v6, this car was a delight and looked STUNNING in that color. Here she is on the PCH. Might I add that she handled beautifully

The world of cars isn’t a walled garden - sometimes other things intrude. That’s the reality and Jalopnik is acknowledging it. Just saying.

I think the reason I’m excited about this is, as a motorcyclist, I feel HD does more to harm the hobby/sport/lifestyle than any other company or movement, with the possibly exception of people who do stunts on the highway, who can (and often do) all go eat shit. HD’s terrible brand image, blatant milking of boomers,

now THAT is a goddamn AUTOMOBILE