
That was goddamn phenomenal racing and I have a newfound respect for Honda Civics. Holy shit!

The fact that people think it’s some kind of magical space wizardry that they couldn’t begin to comprehend. People will politely listen to their friends prattle about stick and ball sports but if anything comes up around cars it’s like you’re asking them to crack cold fusion just by forcing their earholes to contain

Now this, this is a beautiful racecar. So much better than F1. Can anyone school me as to why?

They’re no Ducati 916, that’s for sure. But still. This car? With its little micro-penis nose? the long, swooping insect proboscis front end? The proportions are just visually gross. But as you say - this is purely subjective. I would say though, that if you’re not looking at these kinds of cars on a regular basis,

I actually agree with you that some street bikes are prettier. Without the constraints of having to achieve maximum performance, there’s more you can do with the design.

I would agree. Primarily I don’t watch F1 because there’s so little passing and it just doesn’t seem that competitive. MotoGP had 9 different race winners last season and usually the top ten qualifiers for a race are all within a second of each other. F1 is a little too processional for me.

Tav, this was fun! I appreciate a fresh in-depth perspective on this car. Suggestion: HPDE or autocross! HPDE especially would be great; I know you said you’re not Harris but it would be fun to have your impressions of the car having driven it at speed with an instructor in a controlled environment. The thing is

Jesus god, the horror. Spectacularly ugly. I can almost hear the wet squelching sounds of an alien proboscis lancing a human’s abdomen in a bad sci-fi movie.

See, this is why I can’t get into F1. This is pretty? Respectfully, this car looks like a piece of organ meat mated with a fresh, smooth turd. F1 cars are hideous these days. They all look like they were designed in a wind tunnel by robots, far away from human eyes.

A star for this rolling piece of sculpture.

Sweet baby jesus in a tuxedo t-shirt, this project makes wrenching on my miata look like tea time at the Mclaren factory.

Look man you’re not wrong. Those are pretty cars. But they get love on Jalopnik, more love than sedans.

RVs on the PCH

Crossovers and SUVs are the hot shit now unless it’s luxury, and even then, people really like luxury SUVs. Everything’s got to be lifted and dumb. Sedans are poverty spec, as you say. You buy that if you can’t afford that SUV you really want. The understated elegance of a well-proportioned sedan is lost on the

Sedans. Hands down. The public is abandoning them, manufacturers are making fewer of them, and everyone on Jalopnik is obsessed with shooting brakes and wagons. Sedans get no love. Here’s a beautiful E39 M5 to remind us all to think about what we’ve done.

Wow, I really excited the Internet Tough Guy Super Cynic Bridgade. Cool stories bros. Guess you’re all right and the world is shit and we should just eat shit sandwiches everyday until we’re all marched off to the shit camps to toil away in the underground shit quarries.

Well, Kalanick stepped down from what is probably a powerful council that could have directly impacted Uber’s bottom line. That’s a strong start. And in Congress, democrats are introducing legislation to overturn the immigration ban. It’s hard to imagine any of that happening without the mass protests, wouldn’t you

The saddest part is, he’s probably selling it for a loss, even at 25k.

God I can just hear the false hope and desperation of this guy when he found this car.... “this is it!” he thought, his eyes widening. “My ticket out of the meth lab!”