
You seem hurt. Did my questions offend you? Is that why you’re attacking me? Why are you angry?

Do you even know what that means? Please, explain.

A black comic in America doing stand-up is in a completely different position than three white men doing a car show. Chapelle uses humor to expose racism. Even his “Chip” character is a send-up of the way white folks have stereotyped black people. He uses that character to outline the differences between how black

If you can’t tell the difference between making fun of Americans at large and making fun of a specific ethnic group, then there’s no point in discussing it. Humor is great. Racism just isn’t funny. If it bothers you that people are bothered by racist jokes, then maybe your sensibilities are the issue, not mine.

Want to use your words to defend racist jokes? Or are you just going to stick with posting memes and taking puppet musicals literally?

How do they feel about their racist jokes contributing to the demise of their time at BBC, and will they be taking into account that Amazon corporate bosses may not appreciate quips about “slopes” and “having to wake up Mexican”? Do they agree that car journalism doesn’t take place in a vacuum and that they do the

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Ok, I hear you, but Leno was sometimes fantastic. Remember his interview with Hugh Grant? I’d give my left eye for Fallon to have asked Trump “what the hell were you thinking” and have that broadcast to millions of people.

This tale of woe receives a star.

“It will, of course, kill you instantly with a steering column through the thorax in the event of anything remotely resembling an accident.”

Yep. Though even with the cool factor (and these cars are very cool,) it’s gotta hurt to get your doors blown off by turbo miatas and other riff raff on every straightaway. Evidence: the seemingly huge aftermarket for aircooled go-fast bits for these cars.

That purple paint... I don’t even like purple, but that’s beautiful.

I know this isn’t the point, but 165HP for 65k+ makes my brain go asplode. I drive a miata so I’m used to a low power car, but this is insanity.


How do you feel about the new Targa ND?

Yep. I own a miata and I am in the process of modding, turbo-ing, etc. But I get the sentiment. They’re everywhere and the herd-think can be annoying. I’ll never, ever get rid of mine, but as a sports car person, I’d love to be successful enough one day to own something a little more special and unique.

I like how the dude is by himself in the press photos, because let’s face it, if you’re pretentious enough to actually go through with this, then no one likes you.

I mean, sure, we’re all dying, in the Sylvia Plaith sense of the word, but car culture traditional print newspapers are really dying.

Re: comments on takes. Cowl induction. Like all of NASCAR and many other vehicles.