Bollywood madness. Ending Explosion is just silly.
@JoeyDork: Nice call. Forgot about that one. Now do you remember this?
@Franzouse: Yep. The hours that i've spent here. Too many to count.
@Franzouse: I still miss the precasts.
This rule applies to all used cars over 10 years old and under $5,000. Whatever you paid for it, expect to pay the same in basic maintenance/repairs/neglected service in the first year. For English cars, double it again.
Nothing beats 80s b-roll. Now who can name the famous Hollywood director of this great commercial?
Volvos in general. The universe of used Volvos with manuals is smaller and smaller each year.
Michigan is Europe's Mexico, abet without the quality tacos and real sugar coke.
@Mr_Sives_Remotoc DIDN'T BUY his driving license!: It's been about 8 months or so. They still look weird to me.
Getting Bib-by with it. Nice.
@SynthOno: Agreed!
I could wile away the hours
Group B produced so many great cars. Including:
@JonZeke: Nice call.
@Jeb_Hoge: That there are but a Miata is really not classy enough for Muffy