
2004 was always my favorite year for the Aracor Eagle. Look at that impressive A pillar and the strong charter line down the side. It screams "scan me bitch". Plus the asymmetry .. wow. So bold. And look at those tight triangular overhangs over the wheel wells. Stunning. The vertical DOL - near perfect. Plus

@BrtStlnd: check the back, there is a Mazda grin in that car's ass.

Got KODO-ed with a double post.

It's as derivative and cliched as a Kia Amanti but its hot and that makes all the difference.

@Nürburgring: Varsity Jalop: Hopewell, NJ? If so, I also love that Renault R5 Turbo. Stopped by to see it on more than one occasion.

If we are talking about my everyday jay o bee, I could easily be persuaded by a Mazda Cosmo. Hell I almost convinced myself to keep my rented Chrysler 300 last week and stay on vacation permanently.

Music - Verge on XM. Love me some alternative Canadian rock. America Jr. knows how to rock. Japandriods, Stars, Metric, Broken Social Scene, the list goes on.

This might also be the next-generation 2012 Honda Civic or a piece of crap. Who knows?

There are many things wrong with the above picture. This is one more.

Automatic transmissions have opened the world of exotic and performance cars to anyone with an appropriately sized wallet. We are beginning to see that this is not necessary a good thing. We have Bugatti's driving into lakes, Lambo's filing off cliffs, and Ferrari's spontaneously combusting. The god of the clutch

Doesn't Honda own Lexus? Toyota makes Infiniti, right? Why does Ford keep selling Buicks? Does GM still own Volvo or did they sell them to the Chinese?

That's what I call a carport, puts mine to shame.

@$kaycog: where do all these wonderful photos come from?

I first read this as "Number One Threat To Toyota Corollas? Bras."

half of these are in my allroad

Hummers on Mars, sweet.

bugtastrophe - any car that looks like this after a long drive, mud is fun, but speed is better, especially when its dirty fast.