
Great car. Also had one of the greatest automotive badges of all time with its own lambo-style scissor action.

@smackela: Nice. One of the cleanest designs to come out of Detroit ever.

I always thought that the 1st gen Infiniti G20 (Nissan Primera) has that timeless playmobile simplicity to its design that makes it still look newish. Its as plain and pure as car design gets. Nothing more, nothing less. Just car.

@dmoon: Spot on. Great looking car when unmolested.

When clean and unmolested (which is hard to find these days), 300ZX look great and very modern - both inside and out.

@duurtlang: great answer ... NSU was years ahead of its time

America's long term transportation problems are solved. No need to invest billions in high speed rail. Jet buses for everyone!

they love Jerry Lewis, why not this?

No car pic per se but the photo does include two cars. The Corvette and Mustang, however, were no match against the power of the sand monster. Nor were my eyes.

@maximum_sarge: As another allroad owner the CTS Sportwagon while not a replacement per se is the best wagon I've seen in a long long time. Life is about compromises; the allroad has none. This makes finding a replacement tough.

I have been employing the passive aggressive strategy to relieve my automotive frustration for some time now. For example, instead of battling for a parking spot I park in the farthest most inconvenient spot possible, assholes don't like to walk. No need for silly cards.

Ben nailed it. Car is as near perfect as we will get states side. Performance, luxury, utility, and style (forgot that one) in spades.

@TellarHK: Alex - I'll take sudo-japanese luxury cars for $200.

My vote goes to the Australian built Mitsubishi Diamante Wagon. Friend had one in college. Wagon was our own portable kegerator. Just crank up the AC and you could chill a half dozen kegs in no time. Wait maybe that was just Schenectady in the winter?


hasbro mastered the concept with the trouble bubble