
green pill or the red pill?

They should have listened. I told them their Toyota Tundra would freeze before it reached the first marker.

I would go the Les Grossman route.

Easy COTD today. Great stuff. But Ash always brings game.

@BDK6017: I have a strange suspicion that if you boarded that albino dragon, your trip to Guatemala would never, ever, end. I guess that could be a good thing, if you love Mayan pyramids, fiambre, and natural disasters.

One of these, with Fred Ward driving and Michael Gross in the back. Graboids [] Happen.

@Dot Communist: That would have been the end of Dallas as we know it.

You forgot to post this picture of the chassis.

@zacarious: top of the line in Viper based sports; unexplained fires are a matter for the courts.

This is an easy one. The A-10 Thunderbolt — the Volvo 240 turbo wagon of the military. Old school indestructible planes that can haul anything, are literally bullet proof, and so freaking ugly that they are beautiful.

@eldo500: I think one of those broke down on the 2nd lap of the last LeMons race.

@Skunky: Agreed. A-10s rock. Sick engineering and raw ability that is unmatched.

Great article.

How about this for an idea. Chicks dig Mercurys. Chicks dig the environment.

@RäcinG73™: Agreed. I am really starting to dig the 70s Capri. Some cars get better and better with age and this is one. Hot.

For a long time Mercury has been the Pepperidge Farm of car brands. Ford was always trying to dress up its standard cookie cutter cars with faux luxury and European names. Maybe that could have worked if Ford had actually brought European Fords to the US as Mercury's, but that ship has sailed now that Euro Fords

This might also be fitting because the race will surely suck.

Something invisible, kinda like what the modern Indy 500 has become.

... and I thought I nailed it with the Trekka and GSM Flamingo. Great list. Love the Cyclone.