
We are a nation that loves cars, but hates the art of driving. We want cars with adaptive cruise control not clutches and gear levers.

@Tanshanomi: Agreed. Having read some horror stories on [] and having tried to import my own gray market vehicle (late 90s Alfa GTV) from the UK, I can attest to the biblical crapstorm. Alfa even designed the GTV to satisfy US standards. Unfortunately this car will likely never be street

@gman1023: Perhaps this could be a question of the day? Or maybe something a little broader. What Nice Price or Crack Pipe car have you most wanted to purchase?

This begs the question. How many Nice Price or Crack Pipe cars have been purchased by Jalop readers?

Mazda Cosmo - running condition; in need of minor cosmetics.

@Alfisted: Was going to post the exact same thing. XJC's were once the worlds fastest vinyl topped cars. One of the nicest Jags out there.

VFTW = a vote for the Ford Probe GTS

The Audi Allroad, should get some consideration here. Take an A6 sedan, turn it into a wagon, shorten the wagon slightly (for better ground clearance), add an advanced air suspension system, some nice wheels with specially designed Pirelli all-terrain tires, and then add some flared and unpainted bumpers and you've

1 down, 1 to go and order will be restored in the Swedish automotive world

over/under on the Toyota Chaser has having the lowest overall votes?

The Ford Probe GTS is the Clay Aiken of this competition and Forza needs a Jalop spoiler, so please vote often and repeatedly for the GTS. Plus its got stripes and stripes means it goes faster! Seriously, its true.

2000 Lexus SC300, seriously, com'on

I come from the school of thought that buses generally suck. I make every effort not to take the bus. I'll walk, I' take the train, I'll take the monorail (truth be told there's nothing on earth like a genuine, bona fide, electrified, six-car monorail!), I'll take a tram, human rickshaw — fine - just no f-ing buses

@camaroman: As noted above the Mazda5 is the ONLY minivan available in the states with a stick shift ... so as far as mini vans go its the most Jalop on the block and there are posters here with kids, and even (dare i say it) grandkids ... some of us need and want fun mini vans and the Mazda5 is all we got.

@skyln95: almost positive they were built at the old Fairchild plant in Farmingdale ... can anyone confirm - the wiki page is silent?

@skyln95: well aware and there is even more to the a-10/jalop connection; a-10s can be flown without the use of fancy navigation computers and avionics (they are manual jet planes in a world of slush box fighter jets); a-10s are possibly the best 'handling' plane ever designed (can out turn a f-16); a-10s have long

Great photo but no Jalopnik Fantasy Garage of airplanes would be complete without an A-10 Thunderbolt. Its the most Jalopnik plane out there. America f*ck yeah!

Wes -