
Might have been the double the legal alcohol limit per Washington Post.

Pence’s head would have exploded if only Pastor Franklin ended his sermon with this...

If he wanted to kill black people, why didn’t he just become a cop?

Dude, the fact that there is not a designated staffer with the sole task of faking a heart attack every time the President starts his remarks with “I’m not going to read the prepared speech” is just a failure of leadership at this point.

Dude, the fact that there is not a designated staffer with the sole task of faking a heart attack every time the President starts his remarks with “I’m not going to read the prepared speech” is just a failure of leadership at this point.

Please let it be a dark reboot, with Higgins as a serial killer hunting golfers at the Kamehameha and Magnum as the guy hunting him.

Am I the only one who blinks a bit at seeing the victim described as an “old man”? I mean, he looks to be about my age and that’s totally not old!

Fucking hell. I’m sitting on the couch right now with my 4-year old daughter snuggled against me. I cannot imagine a more horrible thing to experience. My heart goes out to that father.

For love of all that if Good and Holy, can they please do a duet? Maybe a whole concept album produced by Jay-Z?

There’s something about someone who can be equal parts articulate and foul mouthed that just makes my liver quiver and my knees give way.

Shady cop 101.

The 4:57 mark when Ricky asks, “Do you know how many times I’ve been messed with by cops just for being black?”... and the officer behind him, moves up closer behind Ricky, looks at his buddies, and is seemingly fully prepared to whip something right off his gear belt.

Seriously. Fuck these guys. Either they don’t know what kind of dicks they sound like, or they do know and they just don’t give a shit.

I love how the bald guy recognized him, but couldn’t warn the one doing the talking before he pulled his shady ass “I know more than you think I know” bullshit.

You’re underselling the “famous one” part.

Or, and I’m just thinking out loud here...what if they spent some money to train their police officers to stop harassing people weren’t a threat to anyone? I know it’s a crazy concept, but I think it just might work.

That poor man, I hope he’s okay. What an ordeal — I mean, there was a black guy right by his fence!

He also invited Williams to stay at his house

My expectations and hopes are unbelievably low. I’ll actually consider the next four years a success if there are no nuclear weapons deployed and no significant land wars. I’m assuming that the economy, the social safety net, and basic human decency are already doomed.