
The film, Origin, is an adaptation of Isabel Wilkerson’s 2020 novel, Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents, a deeply affecting exploration of race, class, and all other sources of division throughout the world.

Gabrielle Union is flawless, as always. But her pants looks so uncomfortable, like they’re shorts that someone forgot to finish cutting. I noticed them and was thinking “how does she walk in those?” and then there was a video showing that indeed, she could walk in those wannabe shorts. Is there nothing Union can’t do?

Yes, please make this law without any stipulations or penalties for false claims. Then every woman can file for support, clogging the system with nonsense to the point of collapse. I’ll drive a bus of ladies from the retirement community, daring anyone to challenge them on the contents of their wombs.

Musk has worried that our robots could turn on us.

3 children playing in storm debris without shoes (slide 3)? Florida gonna Florida.

And that’s just one example of why The Party of Small Government™ has taken away the power of local governments to protect their citizens.

Guys like this always go for the most hardline attacks on abortion, until it negatively affects their life. Then it is suddenly “one rule for thee, and not for me”.

Democratic governors in some states are moving to protect abortion seekers

Utah has a lot of large families living in poverty... and that’s just the FLDS.

If you haven’t already read it, check out Roxanna Asgarian’s We Were Once a Family. It gets into detail about all the states (Texas shines again!) and institutions that failed the children who ended up Jennifer and Sarah’s victims.

Good point! I didn’t just pre-oder Michael Harriot’s book, I’m getting a copy of Kerry Washington’s book when she comes to speak in DC.

Conservatives may be trying to whitewash Black history, but columnist and political commentator Michael Harriot is having none of it. In his latest book, “Black AF History,” Harriot gives us the story of American history we’ve been missing – one that keeps it real and accounts for the often-overlooked experience of

This gif never gets old.

Highly recommend every member of Flannery Associates reads David Wineberg’s A Libertarian Walks into a Bear and learns the lessons from the New Hampshire libertarian lab experiment.

The Avengers is a fantastic movie. I saw it without having seen any of the other Marvel movies because I was a Joss Whedon fan but not really into comic books.

I can assure you Joe Biden has never had an abortion. John Roberts has never had one, either. 

Child free aunts and uncles are awesome.

she concluded, “I’ve never wanted to marry, I’ve never wanted children. I was born without that gene.”

The SCOTUS reminds you that these aren’t domestic terrorists or people trying to interfere with a stranger’s medical care, they’re “sidewalk counselors”.