
Right? I feel like most Canadians also believe this. That whole family is obnoxious as hell. Ben? Awful... Jessica (who I only just discovered today)? Awful... Brian? aksuhfaksdjfh...

I don’t have high hopes that the incel community is going to write him off considering how in the immediate wake of the incident they were already putting him up on a pillar and using the attack as fuel and future learnings.

She’s really from Timmins though... She may have been born in Windsor, but spent her entire childhood in Timmins.

Smart Set’s basic Ts were great. I also loved Smart Set as a place to get cheap accessory belts - when you need a variety of colours and don’t care about them being amazing quality.

I dunno, I mean, Reitman’s is decidedly middle-range. I wouldn’t call it lower-end. It’s not WalMart, Kmart, Giant Tiger...

Ontario does have some very well-managed group pension funds (HOOPP - Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan springs to mind). OTPP is excellent and very well-run but they’ve gambled and lost before in buying companies directly. They’re able to take those risks though and weather those failures, because they are so large

This is what I did when it showed up on Netflix LAST week before promptly disappearing and re-appearing yesterday... where was I going with this... OH! right. To be fair though, at least it’s supposed to be some form of bizarre marketing for his Alzheimer’s awareness event.

It really does cause label-fatigue...

Haha... exactly. Don’t be sorry. Some gifs are allowed to big - this is one of them.

This. And I can even sympathize with working for a government agency where you have excess budget money that needs to be spent before the end of fiscal. There is often the real risk that if you don’t spend it, you lose it for the next year... But no. Not on that 31k dining set. No f-ing way. You buy a standard

A good fruitcake is so delicious. My aunt makes a really good one for Christmas each year. She starts a few months early, keeps it wrapped in cheesecloth and foil in the basement and periodically bastes it with rum. It’s divine. She portions it out so everyone in the family gets a chunk as a gift. I’ve converted a few

I just... wow... I remember it’s being ridiculous, but yes. That is so fucking ridiculous!

Haha... what? She didn’t have an email address? I read the first book years ago after constant nagging from a friend. It was terrible and then she told me I should read the others because it gets better. Did not believe, did not read. I totally don’t remember this part. I read it while camping and drinking so I’m not

Yeah, I remember reading about this a while ago and there was something specific to the sled design that was in skeleton’s favour, but I don’t remember what it was. That seems plausible.

I think they’re both equally fear-inducing.

Apparently skeleton is safer than luge though! Something to do with the sled and then visibility and control is better going forwards.

Nope... I skated competitively in the late 90s and early aughts. It’s always been a thing. Some people will use practice covers and that can help them look better, but I found they just got in the way. Either way it looks stupid and if they’re bad enough that you’d get docked you can buy this

Actually your skates tend to get more dinged up the higher your skating skill because you are doing more difficult movements It’s very easy to pick your skate a bit while landing, boots rub together and the blades touch the boot during jump rotations and in spins, not to mention footwork... Figure skates get knicked

Oh I know (native Torontonian here!)... I just meant the interaction in general. His rep was always that he was slimey, played around and that he’d make advances... The extent of his slimeballness wasn’t really evident until everyone came forward.
ETA: He spoke at a conference I attended at the height of Q fame and

Oh man... seeing Tessa interact with Jian in the preview for the next episode has so many more levels now (terrible levels of terribleness)...