
the T9 for Mom is 666

the sequel Windows Event Viewer will be even better

but was it a fine young cannibal? like no one else?

I would argue GQ doesn't make fun of Star Trek fans in a point and laugh way, at the end of the day Justin Long and crew save the day after all

With Airplane! ZAZ famously bought a movie script for an existing movie, Zero Hour (1957) and then peppered the existing script with jokes, turning a real tense disaster film into one of the greatest comedies of all time

now I want this as a movie ala S1m0ne

not necessarily, for example Fox produces This is Us, so it would depend on what agreements Fox made with NBC about streaming rights.

Swinfan the series

With the student scene this show turned into How Not To Get Away with Murder

del the funky homosapien slays it live

get a chance to give him a listen?

have you listened to Will Hoge Modern American Protest Music?

twist? doesn't the son when he meets bio-dead mention that?

yes, it actually is a key part of the story line

buy a chromecast?

there is an old troupe of the liberal commie Jew riling up the colored people, Saul Alinsky is a scary sound ethnic name and was a community organizer

I would my biggest problem with Nolan is he is a mimic, he would could it an homage. As a huge Michael Mann fan I was thrown off by how much of Heat was in TDK, something Nolan himself admits.