
You mean THE Funnction and Form Autolife? The one I’ve never heard off?


Used the word “copz” automatic CP

standard 3 series with an M3 badge?

$3500 and running 4 turbos? I’d like to hear more about your product and what it can do for me.

If only we could collectively roll back to January 1, 1998.

I had nothing to do with that.

Why do you need two hands for landscape? You obviously don’t know how to multitask. Thumb is centered on the bottom side of the screen and a couple fingers on the top side of the screen. Drink a beer, assist in the beat down, or masturbate with the other hand.

What the hell is a “vehicle virgin” and why would anyone name their channel that?

They tried to correct their mistake only to make it worse.

Yup. The only crime here was filming in portrait.

When we lived out there, I volunteered at the track for the Historics (now Reunion) and we’d cruise the hotel parking lots and see some amazing cars!

And my apologies to you for my snarky(ish?) comment.

Pensky vs Joest vs WTR.....

Gaffers tape FTW! - I have some covering trim on a lexus ES.

And it also sums up why they’re having a hard time getting young people to watch it, lol.

This one photo sums up the entire industry nicely.

NASCAR on a road course is always a must watch!

I’ve managed in union environments and in non-union environments. In the non-union environments, great performance was rewarded with opportunities to advance to more skilled jobs and receive more pay. In the union environments, employees would remain in entry level jobs for 15 years doing just enough to not get