

I’m surprised there hasn’t been anything out of Stone Mountain Ga yet...the largest Mustang show in the southeast is this weekend. Do they hunt each other, or only those outside of their pack?!?

Someone get that man a Red Bull

Very cool

My friends wife has this. I don’t think she’s a fan of Mercury, but she loves pizza.

Which designs are yours?

Blipshift can be dangerous... I’ll have spurts where I order 3-4 shirts in a week or two, the sales don’t help either.

This is a great picture, the original is even better without the horrible storm trooper/lotus shop.

Oh Mike

I think it comes down to people havinng what I have dubbed “mom focus” problems. My mom, bless her heart, cannot wait for the camera on the phone to completely adjust depth of field and focus. She hits “shoot” and juuuuusssttt before the camera can completely focus she moves and the image is just slightly blurry.

Now playing

Kristen, you should hang out with this chick. She loves cooking and metal!

I’m wondering how all these cars passed a Pre Delivery Inspection....They went to different dealers and rental agencies, hell one was actually sold! How did that many people miss looking in the trunk and checking for the spare?!?!

Or Canadia...

Don’t lie, you know you love watching replays of Golf from years ago or international darts competitions more that racing!

So did my 2003 350Z

To amuse my dad, I would order it under “Richard Cranium”

Came to post this. Millennium Jade is one of my favorite car colors ever.

California makes it somewhat easy too.... But they do have unmarked cars with regular tags too...

It’s all good man.

Huh? This makes no sense....