
I went down that road at first, but upon seeing the footage and realizing that the officer had little time to react to what was likely a credible threat on their life...Its really hard to say they reacted too strongly.  I wish they had tazed him, or used some other non-leathal form to subdue...but the reality is they

I have to disagree, the driver threatened the officers, then reached for a firearm that after the event was on the floor on the passenger side. the only way that gun moves from his holster to the floor is if he was pulling it from the holster so this was 100% a case where the force was justified. He intended to shoot

...asserted his independence from the laws of the land...

Oof, this one hits. Dad used to pick me up from piano lessons when I was 8, play this song, and tell me stories about how poor he was as a child and I would just cry. I will forever equate Gordon Lightfoot with being sad in the car. 

In the US, there’s generally not a duty to help/rescue. That’s different from common law systems in other countries - in Germany, for example, “unterlassene Hilfeleistung” (meaning a failure to render aid) is considered a tort, subject to reasonable limits. So in VW’s own home country, this might have been a legal

because I’m 100% an adult, all I can see in that top picture is....well

Mine all turn into robots... (and I guess aren’t all cars).

Oh you hit me right in the feels.  I was maybe 5 and my dad took a 2' square of cardboard, a marker and ruler and made me a “town” with the local supermarket and some other landmarks with roads and parking spaces.  I played with that thing until it completely fell apart.

One of my favorites is this Corgi VW “Driving School” that came with a set of cones. I had one as a kid, literally drove the tires off of it and found that Lego tires were a serviceable replacement. I recently spent 30 bucks and bought another off of ebay. Its on my desk and I play with it regularly still.

You’re telling me that a steady diet of Facebook and “alternative news sources” without being kept on an even keel with regular social interaction with actual humans with diverse views and backgrounds, was unhealthy?

“Racially insensitive.” No, that is a hell of a lot more than insensitive, that’s the whole kit and caboodle of straight up fuck-you level racism.

That’s my hometown. Every time I go back (2 - 3 times/year) I wonder why I live where I do. Last time I was there I spent most of a day riding in sheer joy at the amazing bike lane system.

They did it to fit in.”

The bs Marlboro man/cowboy/blue collar tough guy mans-man schtick has been fairly ingrained in rural, blue collar, and red states. Low education chronically insecure men who need big trucks and guns because they are intellectually unequipped to deal with a world were big and strong doesnt automatically make you

The Maserati he received:


I didn’t buy my first new car will well into my into my ‘30's so, I agree with you.  I see this on reddit. The relentless drive to buy new by people who can’t really afford it. 

The problem is no one wants a new or used car. Those can be had reasonably, and some very nice stuff. Everyone wants flashy lifestyle vehicles which is why so many end up living the lifestyle of broke.

Air Force’s immediate response.

Nothing new there. Keeping up with the Jones’s has been a thing for hundreds of years, if not millennia. The whole have to look good and share it all on social media thing seems to have ratcheted it up to 11 though in many cases.