
I am coughing and wheezing from laughter. Well done.

I’m just imagining the conversation that would have gone on when Jordan heard about his throne.

“I meant the actual logistics, like, how do you push/fold/squash/press something with the consistency of a hacky sack into something else with the consistency of, well, an ammo press.”

You know, I spoke with my [ultra-conservative] parents last night on the phone about this. They thought it was great and that the candidates had great points! (Thankfully they don’t like Trump at least.) When I watched it, I was just so thoroughly entertained by the incoherence of what I was hearing that it didn’t

It’s pandering. Conservatives are scared that we’d be challenged militarily and be defeated, but as you said, open war between any two of us would be an unthinkable nightmare. I once spoke with someone with a background in military intelligence and his personal take on it basically amounted to “if we optimize the

Not in every case, but if for whatever reason you have to land in the mountains, it could be very useful.

I know very little of helicopters, but wouldn’t the design be vastly improved by sticking the sort of feet that the Apollo Lander had on it? That would let it land more safely when it had some measure of lateral velocity, I suspect.

I don’t think anyone has any serious plans to put these on light helicopters. Military helicopters? Oh yeah.

Unless my memory has utterly failed me, Dha Ma wasn’t supposed to be a dual champion, just a tag team champion with a shared health bar. Then again, several alternative kits were proposed in the comments, so maybe I’m forgetting the original...

As terrible as racially motivated killings by police are today, I feel like calling them lynchings is improper... Lynchings were public spectacles typically performed by a group of people that frequently triggered mob mentality wherein the general public enjoyed themselves. Families would come out in nice clothes to

DJ Sona. It’s a legendary (read: super expensive with lots of special stuff) skin for the bard-type champion Sona who’s a do-anything Support (she has a heal, shield, speed boost, slow, poke, damage amp, damage debuff, and stun). Someone was cosplaying as the champion.

Attack on titan mod incoming?

When you’re being fired on by rounds with such high velocities, you can’t dodge or block them because you’ll never see them coming.

I’ve now watched this five times. You have made my day by posting this. Thank you.

Now playing

I really do like the Sion rework in terms of the gameplay, but the one thing they needed to keep from the old skin was the taunts...

There’s a terribly large barrier to entry. They are strategy games and I’m willing to guess they’re why we haven’t seen many good RTS games recently. I play league almost exclusively at this point, but I didn’t get into it until I was dragged into it (more or less kicking and screaming since I already tried it and

I honestly don’t see the problem on the grand scale. The fact that modders can now charge means there’s a stepping stone between modder and dev which will mean higher quality mods (yay!). The only problem that comes to mind is using multiple mods together. The thing is though, there will still be free mods made just

As useful as this is, until they move the servers from Washington to Kansas/Oklahoma/other central state, ping won’t actually go down. That said, phase one was last year. Phase two is this year. Does that mean phase three (the move) will be next year/end of this year? Man that would be awesome were it true.

So the only character I actually recognized for sure was the one with the goggles. This is what happens when you change the race of all but one character.

For someone that enjoyed SAO, AOT, Knights of Sidonia, and Aldnoah.Zero, is there really anything on this list I’d like? Nothing popped out to me aside from maybe I can’t understand what my husband is saying.