
Obviously that’s where cigarettes go.

I’ve always wanted a 02 to 04 Audi A8L, with the V8. As a dealer I can get one at auction for about $5k with 100k miles. So what’s stopping me, well, it was engineered by Audi.

I took my Z06 to CarMax once, they offered me $8000. I sold it a few years later with 30k more miles, for $15,000. Was $8k a ridiculous offer? Yes. Are you forced to accept it? Absolutely not.

Fernando Alonso, hands down.

My guess is there is a fan inside that little elbow piece that connects to the crankshaft

Did Chris get mauled by a cougar or is his shirt just like that.

If you close your eyes while the video is playing, you get an entirely different idea of what’s going on.

I’ve gotten this once or twice, and it’s actually incredibly offensive.

Thus. I guess people walk in to my garage, see tools all over the wall, and think “wow he must really like working on cars.”

What do you think his neighbors would complain about more: This plane or Doug’s Hummer?

“and we got the windows down, and we let the wind wash over our faces like an excited cocker spaniel in a Chrysler Sebring.”

As a dealer who gets his cars from the auction, every damn thing. From a empty bottle of Jager, to 10 open condom wrappers.

Love reading these stories. Thanks for sharing Tyler.

Put the Asterion drivetrain.... in the Urus!

Hahaha, truer words have nit been said.

So this is what LEGO men feel like.

My first car purchase was an Audi A4. I had driven a manual 1986 Mazda B2000 truck on a dirt road a handful of times. That was the extent of my stick shift experience. I did OK on the test drive, and bought the car. There was an industrial park a mile away from the dealership, so I spent about 30 minutes practicing on

Thanks so, so much for this Tom. These commercials are complete crap, and I have to explain why to every non-car person if they happen to come on while we’re watching TV.

Well, I didn’t take a picture of the gearbox, but here’s one of the car. I rent from a location about 30 mins from the closest airport. Small selection but a few manual ‘sporty’ cars.

Budget Rental car in Marietta, GA. You won’t find the cars on their website, but if you drive by they have several manual cars out there that you can choose from. You just have to go inside to make a reservation. Probably shouldn’t be letting my secret out.