Bugatti Veyron SuperSport - 71-80% Jalop
Bugatti Veyron SuperSport - 71-80% Jalop
Ok, who brought the onions out again.
There's a Florida joke to be had somewhere here.
Actually just two trains with some walking in between.
CJ I have a P1 too!
I am genuinely astonished at the amount of ignorant comments here. It just goes to show how little the general public knows of what is really involved with serving in the military, especially overseas. My brother is in the army, roommate is a cop, and mom is a teacher. What the Army asks of soldiers serving…
Hey William, learn how to spell #Qantas.
I'll go ahead and say it. Fiat can't have a Viper showing up their 458 on a track, so Chrysler was asked to cancel the program.
And this is why they have the first 10 rows of seating blocked off at Monsterjam. In addition to a 10 ft wall.
Channel 618 on DirecTv
I saw this when it originally aired and thought it was pretty tacky.
This was the first video that came to mind when i read the headline.
Why has my life gone so horribly wrong.
Excellent work again, Doug.
CLOS: I teach a class for Boy Scouts on car maintenance and I tell them that, you know, the best thing to do is to learn to read the owner's menu and to join AAA.
I thought everyone just bought mp3s today? Haven't used a cd in at least 6 years.
Since when is a 10 year old GT a nice car?
So why follow the obvious redirect to FA?