Seriously...the entire problem doesn’t stem from Uber/Lyft...
The car’s bluetooth system also came in handy one year when Singh’s power steering went out on course.
I wonder when it will become illegal for power-players in a companies stock-value to do stuff like drop inoccouus tweets that are guarenteed to have massive (positive or negative) effect on a companies stock price.
My girlfriend got an 6" German Chocolate cake (maybe 4" thick) for my last birthday. We each had a piece with my birthday dinner. The rest got wrapped and frozen. We had a 2nd piece 4-5 days later, and each had a 3rd about a week after that.
So, I’ll agree: ~3-pieces per household member is perfect. And yes, you can…
I have a sincerely held Constitutional belief that any Judge who makes a ruling based on a “sincerely held religious belief” should be disrobed & disbarred (at the least).
Still remember how fast she tried to claim she intended Hermione to be racially ambiguous....
I’m not “an old”...but I’m far more interested in the Jazz/Piano versions...
See..that’s the problem with the new flavor of racism in modern America. For the most part the only thing they car about is pigment. Jews are, generally, fairly melanin-free. The fact that they have immediate ancestral ties to the middle east aside; most Jews, especially American Jews, are...for lack of a better…
Wasn’t being sarcastic. I understand the point is not the emissions, it’s a byproduct - I still stand by what I said. Different strokes for different folks.
As someone who became a home owner in the last couple years, I realized I definitely do not want a pool. However, having very friendly next-door neighbors with a pool rocks!
My suggestion for the 2020 NASCAR series.
And they’ll still shift.
My buddy named his cat: Dr. Frederick Fuzzybottom, or just Fred for short.
Paulette Jordan is the 38-year-old Democratic candidate for governor of Idaho who’s won the endorsement of Planned Parenthood. She’s also a gun-owner, hunts as a hobby, and rides horses.