
Just to check in on that...

Don’t y’all basically have a 70% income tax as well? Or something ridiculously high like that. I mean; it sounds Utopian and all...but something’s gotta pay for all of that.

I always wondered why transporters weren’t used as the panacea of medical amazement that they should be.

White women after all form the base of the Republican Party—53 percentof white women voted for Donald Trump, and in last year’s special election for an open Senate seat in Alabama, 63 percent of white women cast their ballots for the noted sexual predator Roy Moore. Given this, it’s hard to believe that there’s any

6) Convertible Top Down + Windows Up = You look like a total TOOL. (It doesn’t matter what explanation/rationale you try to use to justify it.)

Me too. But the internet being what it is...the rest had to pile in as well:

That’s fairly amazing...I literally had no idea that there was still that massive a city-wide steam infrastructure....I figured that the few places still using steam for production/cooking etc were making it on site...not through a city-wide grid...

Sorry, I come from the first world where we have electric/gas forced air heating/cooling.

That surprises me a lot more than it should....

Hey Sarah...you know what would have prevented the readheaded confusion in the first place:

Why are there still steam pipes?  Like...seriously?  What is being powered by steam?

Ya know David...this makes you the best-used-car-seller on the planet.

My reaction to the “Apu is a racist caricature” was “yeah, so is every other simpsons character...starting with homer and moving down. 

Re: the USPS lawsuit:

It’s not the copyright holder of the photograph of the Fake Statue of Liberty (FakeSoL) that sued the USPS....it’s the artist that made the FakeSoL for the NYNY LV that’s suing them for making money off of his piece of (copyrighted) art.

Having prepared and seen many a set of podium-notes for press conferences for Ambassadors at US Embassies overseas...this is *really* common, it makes it one hell of a lot easier for the speaker to glance down and quickly see, without hunting, their next point....

You’re daily reminder that:

a) Muller’s charge never included the hunt for “collusion” (nor any synonyms of it).
b) The first person to publicly bring up the word “collusion” in relation to the Special Counsel’s Investigation into Possible Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election was: Donald fucking Trump.

Kinja name checks out.

TLDR Version:  It looks like a standard issue, boring, black, keyfob.

Stupid but serious question:

So...what would one expect to pay for a detailing service of this level?

If ANYONE can pay to enter it, it is considered public space. It’s also not inside, it’s on the roof....like where everyone can SEE IT ANYWAYS.