omg. her drunk brain thought “conservation group” = “conservative group”
omg. her drunk brain thought “conservation group” = “conservative group”
Why are mothers the worst at picking movies?!
Those poor kids.
Some but not most. I’ve worked with a lot of Missionaries when I did aid work. They work in everything from medicine, construction, education, water sanitation, whatever. I’ve never met single missionary that refused services because of their religious beliefs or the peoples beliefs. Basically religious aid workers.…
She shipped Margaery/Sansa so hard.
A gif has never more perfectly captured my emotions until this very moment...
morse code , always morse code
Oh my god that gum commercial where the dad makes the gum paper swans for his daughter and she saves them fucking got me a few weeks ago. Father daughter commercials do me in because my daughter and husband have such a sweet relationship.
I’ve never been much of a crier (I’m not counting book or movie crying) When my father died, I found that I had shut down and was actually unable to cry at all. He was the only one who drove me to tears. (Mom and I fought but she was a Sarah Bernhardt drama queen weeper; in the face of that surfeit of emotion my…