I like freedom of expression.
I like freedom of expression.
No, I just stopped giving a shit.
I have been living in Colorado, during the time of this items existence and this is the first I’ve heard of it.
Bad Kinja is blocking discussion on a discussion forum. Jal;opnik is currently the only place I am not consistently blocked.
The Constitution actually includes getting rid of the people in government, when they over reach their authority.
It’s our government. We need to address that and stop pretending it is somehow the people we put in powers fault.
Okay, then I’d like to hear your explanation for why we’re going to have a retarded, racist, sexist, misogynistic multiply failed businessman as our next president.
Don’t be embarrassed. I’m sure one day you’ll be literate.
Apparently you don’t see.
Thanks. Coming from you I will take that as the compliment it clearly is.
Life must be really hard for you. I’d sympathize, but I really don’t give a shit anymore.
Violette Morris, a cyclecar racer in the 1920s who was so insanely hardcore she had her breasts removed so she could fit into her cramped race cars better.
You must have a different definition for “called you out”.
The point I was making is that being triggered is a juvenile response.
A lot of other people are saying things. If you’re planning on them fighting your battles, I would suggest a better class of people to try that. What they’re doing is accusing me of taking positions I haven’t. Not understanding what I said, even when I explained it multiple times and over course asserting that I am…
I did, hence my agreeing with your point and expounding on mine.
No, because choosing to mutilate your body, rather than modifying the machine is pretty bizarre behavior.
How did I pigeonhole or marginalize Morris?
I did earlier.