Wes Hutchings

Statement, again absent support.

Translation: You couldn’t.

You introduced popularity as the reason for choosing Hillary. I pointed to the reasons that was a bad idea. Reality seems to agree with that.

For my 2 cents, this is not a problem unique to Toyota/Scion.

I provided external sources. You did that once, in a redundant manner, while agreeing with the premise of whether or not Sanders is allowed to be considered democrat.

If my viewpoint is the problem, then it would seem it should be fairly easy for you to illustrate that and yet you haven’t even tried.


Now playing

My wife and I have stuck with just stay home for over a decade.

Please quote an unfounded assumption, which you alluded to in your first paragraph.

Knowledge is a funny thing.

I keep running into this time thing with people.

Then you should have no problem finding evidence of this predetermined conclusion.

Occam’s Razor.

Yeah, it’s hilarious.

Okay, but America elected a racist, sexist, misogynistic, retarded president who thinks Putin is great.

So all of the people who held their nose and voted for Hillary, who they hated, in your mind represent a group that couldn’t exist if Bernie had received the nomination?

Responding to your answers is pretty much the opposite of ignoring them.
