Wes Hutchings

It could be. It’s there to hold the trunk and gas door shut.

Having sex.

Friends, don’t let friends use cheap aftermarket add ons or duct tape to hold their 90's sports cars together.

A plethora of political correctness issues that have reached militant proportions.

I included a qualifier, which represented an alternative. Your example gives no alternatives.

I usually skip the ‘as if’ part and actually try to teach other people.

Gosh...two whole choices.

Bill Hicks said something similar back in the early 90's.

Don’t fail to plan, plan to fail.

1. Meaning what precisely? The punctuation mark at the end is a question. The statement which follows it is me offering an opinion. You were free to address the question point by stating your actual position and rendering my opinion of your position null and void. You chose not to do that.

But cheap knock off wheels would be better than the expensive ones, right?

Quote me.

Nope, I’m fine. Which is why I have no problem dealing with facts.

Facts versus opinion.

Wrong again. Putting up with my behavior? Like asking you questions and make direct statements asking for clarification which you twist into me labeling you?

Have fun deluding yourself.

Wow, you really are quite dense.

I could never really get into the Starlost. I tried, several times, but it never really seemed to hold my interest, so I’ll hear what you have to say on the subject.

1. Yes, I believe I mention that. Several times in fact. It was an effort to avoid suicide and what would eventually have been a fierie death for everyone on board. But hey, why acknowledge that little niggling point?