Wes Hutchings

Apparently it’s mostly empty now.

Nuclear weapons are an obvious danger.

What’s that Stuff?

Oh, I didn’t realize it was You. By all means you’re exempted from stuff that that a minimal number of people do.


In the U.S.:

That’s where personal responsibility has always come into play.

Just a few more steps and they’ll be able to dispense with the idea they’re not slaves.

Yeah, how dare he toss the ball in the direction of the person who just hit him as he was giving himself up.

The government steps in when people prove they lack the will or intelligence to police themselves and their own actions effectively.

Theil is too much of a pussy to be a vampire.

In an ironic twist, the photographers identity was released and he was beaten until he was left in a brain damaged coma.

Technology once again fails to make drivers any better.

The reason Volvo couldn’t make theirs work is because they realized that their target audience only buys boxes.

This takes me back to the early 80's, when cruising McHenry Blvd in Modesto was still legal.

Triscuits and beer.

Yes it would.